Sunday, December 6, 2009

Conducting Powerful Agel Money Mixers

We have an exciting new format for our hotel and other large venue meetings: the Agel Money Mixer.

This takes the place of the Agel Business Briefings, offering a fun, fast-paced overview of the opportunity to bring your prospects to. It follows the same outline as the Agel Jam. We’ve just renamed it to be congruent with the brand of Agel as an innovative, fresh approach to the business. The idea behind the Money Mixer is it’s a hybrid training program/opportunity overview/celebration. There’s no blatant sales pitches or pressure however. The idea is to present the business training in a way that any prospects will get a good understanding of how the business is done, see what kind of company Agel is, and can make their decision on whether to join based on that. At the same time, it’s great training for team members as well.

The real emphasis is on how to present the “right now” nature of the company, why Agel is relevant in today’s economy, and supplemented by local leaders telling their story of why they are with Agel.

Here’s an outline of the format:

1) 5-6 high-energy testimonials to begin
2) MC: welcomes people, introduces main presenter (MP)
3) MP: Benefits of the biz, how to present Agel in light of the
new economy, why safe is the new risky
4) Local leader 5-minute Agel story
5) MP: How to present the products with the “right now”
branding, why they get traction in difficult economy
6) Local leader 5-minute Agel story 7) MP: Why comp plan is relevant in
new economy.

8) Recognition
9) MC: Timing & positioning, call to action
10) Circle up with prospects

The secret to having great Money Mixers is having a solid group of people conducting Cash Flow Classes. The Money Mixer is a great way to show the Agel opportunity in a bigger window to your prospects. You can get an idea of the two main sections done by the main presenter in the Money Mixer by watching a couple presentations Randy Gage did in the Netherlands. There is one on theeconomy segment and one on the “right now” branding. They are posted in the video section above in this training library section.

After the event…

Just like the Cash Flow Class, you want to circle up with your prospects after the event. Give them the follow uppacket, which includes:

 The “Vibrant Living Journal” product catalog, or product
 The Agel Wellness Solution DVD (more product
 The “A-Team Opportunity Report.”

Now is the time to answer any questions and see who may
be ready to get started. One of the best questions to ask is,
“So, do you get this?”

Anyone that replies yes, follow up with, “Are you ready to get
started?” If so, have them fill out the paper application and give them an Agel Business Plan. Create the culture right
away for them to qualify for Presidents Club their first month
or two.

The “A-Team Opportunity Report” is a new resource we’ve
created to show the prospects the strong support they’ll
receive as a member of A-Team. It’s a great and
inexpensive follow up piece.

The paper includes more specific scientific back up about the Agel products, lots of testimonials, and a list of markets we do business in. It also feature articles from A-Team Diamond Directors, “rising star” profiles, and information promoting the next major team event. For this reason, each edition will have a limited run and is designed to sell out. So make sure you keep enough stock to last you until the next edition is published. Find this and the other follow up tools you need at:

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